6 Motivations for Lowering Rates of Readmission

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Motivations for Reducing Rates of Readmission in Roseville, CA

Being readmitted to the hospital poses a lot of danger for older adults, which is why they should do everything possible to preserve their health. A smooth recovery process can help your senior loved one avoid readmission and restore many of the skills lost due to an illness, injury, or surgical procedure. Below are just a few of the many reasons seniors benefit from reduced hospital readmissions.

1. Avoid New Medications

When older adults are readmitted to the hospital, their treatment plans typically change, including the prescriptions they take. Remembering all their different medicines can be challenging for seniors, especially those who take multiple medications for various age-related conditions. The confusion could lead to severe consequences, such as overdosing.

2. Prevent Infections

The immune system weakens with age, increasing the risk of developing infections. Being readmitted to the hospital can also increase the odds of exposure to bacteria and harmful toxins. Pneumonia is one of the top reasons for readmission. Ensure your loved one follows the doctor’s orders to increase the likelihood of a speedy recovery and prevent hospital readmissions.

A professional caregiver can closely monitor your loved one for post-hospitalization complications, including infections. When searching for reliable in-home care agencies, families want to know their senior loved one will be well taken care of. At Home Care Assistance, our expertly trained caregivers are available around the clock to assist with tasks around the house, provide transportation to medical appointments and social events, and much more.

3. Avoid Constant Testing

If your loved one is readmitted to the hospital, he or she may be in a lot of pain. Although the doctors and medical staff will do all they can to make sure your loved one’s health is restored and the pain is stopped, the constant evaluations could be overwhelming. Even though tests often cause agitation, they’re necessary when seniors are readmitted to the hospital.

4. Reduce Expenses

Hospital readmission can be costly, especially for individuals who have to pay out of pocket. Reducing the risk of hospital readmission prevents your parent from having to cover the costs of different services, such as hospital pharmacy bills and various examinations. Your loved one should follow the discharge recommendations and report any mishaps as quickly as possible to optimize the recovery process and prevent readmission.

5. Promote Heart Health

Heart attacks are one of the top reasons older adults are readmitted to the hospital. By reducing the odds of readmission, seniors can boost their heart health, increase their longevity, and enhance their quality of life. Heart disease is one of the top causes of deaths among seniors over the age of 65. Therefore, you should do everything possible to keep your loved one’s cardiovascular health in good shape.

Some seniors only require help with a few daily tasks so they can maintain their independence. However, those living with serious illnesses may need more extensive assistance. Luckily, there is professional live-in care Roseville, CA, seniors can rely on. Home can be a safer and more comfortable place for your loved one to live with the help of an expertly trained and dedicated live-in caregiver.

6. Allow Privacy

Some seniors are lucky enough to get private rooms while staying in the hospital, but others have to share their rooms with other individuals. During visiting hours, things can get loud and busy, especially if your loved one’s roommate has a lot of guests. Nurses, doctors, aides, and other medical staff will come in and out of the room regularly, limiting the amount of privacy your loved one has. By avoiding readmission, your parent can prevent these privacy concerns and remain in the comfort of home.

A professional caregiver can be a wonderful source of support for a senior who’s recovering after being hospitalized. Roseville home care service experts are available to provide high-quality care to seniors on an as-needed basis. From assistance with mobility and exercise to providing transportation to the doctor’s office and social events, there are a variety of ways professional caregivers can help your aging loved one continue to live independently. Reach out to one of our Care Managers today at (916) 226-3737 to learn more about our high-quality home care services.


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