3 Suggestions for Daughters Who Are Dementia Caregivers

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Suggestions for Daughters Who Are Also Dementia Caregivers in Roseville, CA

There is something special about the bond between parents and their daughters. Today, most family caregivers of seniors with dementia are women, and the number of daughters providing unpaid care to their loved ones is likely to go up as the population continues to age. Since many young women are also juggling other responsibilities such as raising families or building careers, it is easy to see how providing dementia care on top of it all could lead to stress. Here are a few ways daughters can successfully manage their caregiving duties when caring for their senior parents with dementia.

1. Stay in the Moment

While it is easy to focus on all the things that didn’t get done yesterday, ruminating on such thoughts will only bring you down. The truth is that you do many wonderful things every day. In fact, your kindness and compassion are two of your best qualities, which is exactly why you are the ideal person to provide care for your loved one. When guilt starts to bring you down or your to-do list leaves you overwhelmed, try to bring your mind back to the moment. After all, each caregiving task you perform can enhance your loved one’s life, even if it is as simple as washing the dishes. It is those special moments when your loved one holds your hand or asks to see a picture that makes all the hard work worthwhile.

Consider hiring a professional caregiver if you need help caring for your senior loved one or a break from your duties to focus on your own emotional wellbeing. Families who need help caring for a senior loved one can turn to Home Care Assistance, a leading provider of Roseville, California, home care. Services available in our customizable care plans include meal prep, mental and social stimulation, assistance with personal hygiene tasks, and much more.

2. Build a Support Network

Dementia caregivers should not try to do everything alone. Although you may be the primary caregiver, you must also reach out to others for help. Talk to your family to find ways to accomplish some of the daily tasks that add up over time. For instance, you could ask your sibling to spend time with your parent while you go grocery shopping. You can also arrange for a professional dementia caregiver to manage things such as your parent’s medication schedule so you can avoid worrying about forgetting a dose. A caregiver support group is another great option because you can learn more strategies for enhancing your loved one’s care.

Families who find it difficult to care for their aging loved ones without assistance can benefit greatly from professional respite care. Roseville, CA, family caregivers who need a break from their caregiving duties can turn to Home Care Assistance. Using our proprietary Balanced Care Method, our respite caregivers can encourage your loved one to eat well, exercise regularly, get plenty of mental and social stimulation, and focus on other lifestyle factors that promote longevity.

3. Simplify Your Lifestyle

Many of life’s biggest stressors come from trying to manage as much work as possible. Look for ways to scale down your lifestyle. For example, you could go grocery shopping for both of your households at once, and freezer meals make it easier to feed your whole family on days when you don’t have time to cook. Spend some time looking over your current commitments to determine if there are any you can let go or delegate to others. By delegating tasks and simplifying your life, you can spend some quality time with your loved one.

When caring for seniors with dementia, family members should consider hiring professional caregivers. A professionally trained respite or live-in caregiver can help your senior loved one maintain a high quality of life while aging in the comfort of home. For many seniors in Roseville, CA, live-in care is an essential component of aging in place safely and comfortably. However, it’s important for them to have caregivers they can trust and rely on. At Home Care Assistance, we extensively screen all of our live-in and 24-hour caregivers and only hire those who have experience in the senior home care industry. Our strict requirements ensure seniors can remain in the comfort of home with a reduced risk of injury or serious illness. Call us at (916) 226-3737 to schedule a free in-home consultation.


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