5 Fun & Safe Activities for Aging Adults with Parkinson’s

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Safe & Fun Activities for Aging Adults with Parkinson's in Rosville, CA

Many seniors withdraw from social activity due to Parkinson’s, but caregivers need to encourage their aging loved ones to stay socially active. Although Parkinson’s can make it challenging for seniors to participate in many activities, it’s not impossible for them to continue to stay active. Here are five fun and safe activities your loved one with Parkinson’s can participate in.

1. Card & Board Games

Your loved one may have limited mobility, but he or she can still play fun card and board games with the family. Have another player shuffle the cards. If your loved one needs to move game pieces, someone else can do it for him or her. Help your loved one feel comfortable by letting him or her know it doesn’t matter if his or her hands shake while holding cards or when it’s his or her turn to go during a game. The objective is for your loved one to have fun doing things he or she did prior to being diagnosed with Parkinson’s.


Aging adults who require assistance with the tasks of daily living can benefit from reliable home care service. Roseville, CA, families trust Home Care Assistance to provide the high-quality care their elderly loved ones need and deserve. Our caregivers are trained to help seniors prevent and manage serious illnesses and encourage them to make healthier decisions as they age.

2. Bake Sales

This fun activity can help your loved one bond with other members of the family. Your loved one can also participate in bake sales through the local church and community organizations. Bake sales are a great way to get your loved one out of the house and interacting with others. This activity can be emotionally relieving.

If your elderly loved one is living with a serious medical condition and needs help managing the tasks of daily living, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a home care agency you can trust. Our caregivers are available 24/7, there are no hidden fees in our contracts, and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our in-home care services.


Singing is a fun activity that offers a few health benefits. When seniors participate in a sing-along, they’re exercising the vocal cords. This can alleviate difficulties with speaking and swallowing, which many seniors with Parkinson’s experience. Host sing-alongs at your home or sign up your loved one for karaoke events in the community, especially those hosted specifically for seniors. To make this activity even more fun, ask family members to play instruments during the sing-along. 

4. Reading

Reading can be a challenging task for seniors with Parkinson’s for several reasons, such as the inability to turn the pages or hold books in their hands. If your loved one used to be an avid reader, the loss of this activity could impact him or her negatively. Make reading fun again by doing it as a group activity. Have family and friends take turns reading through books or magazines. When it’s your loved one’s turn to read, have one of the participants turn the pages. Audiobooks are also a great idea. 

5. Video Games 

Technological advances have made it easier for seniors with Parkinson’s to play games with limited fine motor skills. Your loved one can operate a game controller that responds to arm swings or other types of movement. In addition to having fun while playing these interactive games, your loved one can also get the exercise he or she needs to stay healthy.

Certain age-related conditions can make it more challenging for seniors to age in place safely and comfortably, but Roseville live-in care experts are available around the clock to help seniors manage their health. Whether your loved one is living with dementia or is recovering from a stroke, you can trust the professional live-in caregivers from Home Care Assistance to enhance his or her quality of life. To learn more about our elderly care services, call (916) 226-3737 and speak with one of our qualified Care Managers to schedule a complimentary consultation


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