
By Home Care Assistance Roseville, 8:00 am on October 17, 2023

Though some changes in vision are common with age, your elderly loved one can still maintain good eye health well into the golden years. Here are some strategies for maintaining healthy eyesight.  Wear High-Quality Sunglasses The sun’s ultraviolet rays not only affect the skin, but they can also take a…

By Home Care Assistance Roseville, 8:00 am on October 3, 2023

An occasional lapse in health isn’t usually cause for alarm, even in the senior years. However, when illnesses don’t seem to go away, seniors should be concerned about the possibility of cancer. Researchers predict a 67 percent increase in the number of seniors diagnosed with cancer by 2030. Watching for…

By Home Care Assistance Roseville, 8:00 am on September 19, 2023

There’s a temptation among seniors to use medications past their expiration dates because of high cost, lack of insurance, or the need to visit a doctor to renew a prescription. Many won’t throw away their medications if they have extra on hand or their doctors switch their prescriptions, but seniors…

By Home Care Assistance Roseville, 8:00 am on September 5, 2023

A California study of more than 2,000 older women found fewer instances of cognitive impairment in seniors with large social circles. This is just one example of a growing body of evidence highlighting the benefits of social interaction for elderly people. Here are some of the additional benefits of remaining…

By Home Care Assistance Roseville, 8:00 am on August 22, 2023

It’s not uncommon for family caregivers to think they’ve got everything covered when providing some type of ongoing care for older loved ones. While this could very well be the case if your loved one only needs a helping hand now and then, you may realize the situation is much…

By Home Care Assistance Roseville, 8:00 am on August 8, 2023

Severe memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease are closely tied to one another, but there are many misconceptions about this progressive disorder and its symptoms. If you have an aging loved one who has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, you need to research this disease as much as possible. Here’s a…

By Home Care Assistance Roseville, 8:00 am on July 18, 2023

Men and women who experience strokes may exhibit different warning signs, and as a family caregiver, you should know those symptoms. Although there are common warning signs all seniors could experience, the risk factors for men and women are often different. Recognizing the symptoms could save your elderly loved one’s…

By Home Care Assistance Roseville, 8:00 am on July 4, 2023

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system that impacts coordination, strength, balance, and dexterity. The most common symptom of this disease is tremors, but there are a wide variety of early warning signs caregivers should watch out for. When this condition is caught early on, some seniors are…

By Home Care Assistance Roseville, 8:00 am on June 20, 2023

According to the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, heart disease is the leading cause of death throughout the world, and this condition is extremely common among elderly people. While some risk factors are completely out of an individual’s control, there are a few steps seniors can…

By Home Care Assistance Roseville, 8:00 am on June 6, 2023

Named after German neurologist Dr. Friedrich Lewy, Lewy body dementia (LBD) is the second most common type of progressive dementia, just behind Alzheimer’s disease. What’s also referred to as dementia with Lewy bodies is primarily caused by the buildup of abnormal protein masses called Lewy bodies that develop inside nerve…