How to Address Incontinence in Seniors with Dementia

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Seniors with dementia sometimes experience a variety of challenges, and not all of them are directly related to memory. For example, incontinence isn’t uncommon among seniors living with dementia. However, you can use the following tips to prevent accidents while keeping your elderly loved one comfortable. 

Look for a Pattern

When seniors have incontinence, it’s common for accidents to happen during certain times of the day. For example, your loved one may need to go to the bathroom during the middle of the night or within an hour after eating a meal. Look for patterns such as these to identify the best time to suggest taking a bathroom break. 

If your senior loved one has been diagnosed with a serious condition and needs help with tasks like meal prep, transportation, bathing, and grooming, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a leading provider of homecare services Roseville, CA, families can trust. We also offer comprehensive care for seniors with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

Address Physical Causes

Incontinence is sometimes caused by an underlying physical problem that can be addressed. In some instances, a medication may cause urinary urgency or frequency as a side effect. Alternatively, your loved one may have developed a urinary tract infection. Treating these physical conditions can alleviate incontinence in seniors with dementia or at least reduce the number of accidents. 

Incontinence is just one of the many health issues older adults are susceptible to. Seniors can face a variety of challenges as they age, many of which can be mitigated with the help of professional in-home caregivers who provide high-quality elder care. Trust Home Care Assistance to help your elderly loved one age in place safely and comfortably.

Make the Bathroom Recognizable

Dementia symptoms like memory loss and confusion can make it difficult to find the bathroom. Try painting the bathroom door a distinctive color or post a picture of a toilet on the door. At night, try keeping the hall lights on, or use glow-in-the-dark tape to create a pathway on the floor. Little changes like these can prevent your loved one from getting lost on the way to the bathroom. 

Learn the Cues

Verbalization is often challenging for seniors with dementia, and they may use other cues to let caregivers know they need to go to the restroom. Look for signs of restlessness, such as tugging at pants or pacing near the restroom. It’s also common for seniors with dementia to ask for something in the bathroom when they need to go. Guiding your loved one toward the restroom when he or she is sending unusual cues can prevent accidents. 

For dementia care Roseville families can count on, reach out to Home Care Assistance. Our compassionate caregivers use revolutionary memory care programs to help seniors delay the progression of dementia, and they can also assist with a wide variety of important everyday tasks, including bathing, grooming, exercise, and cooking. Reach out to us at Home Care Assistance if you need compassionate professional care for your loved one. Call one of our dedicated Care Managers today at (916) 226-3737 to learn about the high quality of our in-home care services.


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